Breakthrough Phase II

Requested Equipment/Supplies for Breakthrough Leadership Phase II
No audio/video recording of Craig’s programs is permitted

Ideal Setting: (see Ideal Room Set Up page) room with space for activities, chairs should be moveable

* If Craig is flying in for presentation *

  • Back up microphone (Craig will bring 2 wireless microphones to patch into a P.A. system.)
    All programs will require a P.A. system. If the house system is unreliable, poor or suspect, it will be necessary to retain a strong portable system.
    QUALITY SOUND IS VITAL FOR A SUCCESSFUL PROGRAM. If you have questions, call my of?ce.
  • Large screen- Ideally, a portable screen is available instead of a pull down screen
  • Flipchart stand with flipchart paper pad
  • 2 long extension cords with 2 outlet bars
  • 3 bottles of water
  • 2 six foot tables off to the side
  • Bar stool or elevated chair
  • Pen for each participant (Pens will work much better than pencils.)
  • Name tags for each participant. *See Name Tag Guide in Prior to the Program section of

* If Craig is driving to the presentation *

  • Back up microphone (see information above)
  • Name tags for each participant. *See Name Tag Guide in Prior to the Program section of
  • 3 bottles of water
  • 1 six foot table off to the side

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